Yuliya, 43 anni, Russia, San Pietroburgo
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Informazioni principali
Nome: Yuliya
Età: 43
Località: Russia, San Pietroburgo
Segno zodiacale: Pesci
Peso: 50kg
Altezza: 170cm
Colore degli occhi: Verde
Colore dei capelli: Castano chiaro
Fisico: Slanciato
Ogni quanto fumi: Mai
Ogni quanto bevi: Mai
Il tuo tipo di attività: Sono mattiniero (mi sveglio molto presto)
Con dettagli:
Verifica telefonica
Inglese 2(colloquiale)
Stato coniugale: Divorziato/a
Vorresti avere figli?: No
Vostra priorità nella vita:
Famiglia, relazione a lungo termine
Equilibrio psicologico
Stabilità, sicurezza
Vostro reddito: Medio reddito costante
In mio possesso: Alloggio / appartamento, Automobile
Dove vivi?: Alloggio indipendente / appartamento
Istruzione: Diploma di laurea/laurea
Professione: Bibliotecario
Che religione professi?: Ateo
Età: da 18
Va bene se hanno figli?: Si
Fisico: Peso medio

Risposte ad alcune domande

Come ti descriveresti?

I believe that life moves along the crest of its own wave, each time giving new discoveries and people, that's why I ended up here. My wave is to start slowly, drawing inspiration from watching French films directed by the "old wave", to a climax with a denouement: to go on a trip to the north of the Kola Peninsula. They say that such things attract, but I believe that we attract exactly what we want. I would like to see someone next to me who can slow down, slowly admiring the sunset over a glass of wine, be a guide to those corners of life that I have not yet explored, and be a torch with fire, an ideological inspiration for new achievements: climbing the Horn, traveling in a retro car. a car attending the Formula 1 Grand Prix.
To keep fit, I do stretching and take ballet lessons. Of course, I'm not Gordon Ramsay, but I can give you Hell's kitchen. My ideal romantic evening: me, you, maybe Stravinsky, some wine and dinner, which I hope we will finish together.
Come descriveresti il tuo partner ideale?
A man with whom we agreed in life values, priorities, understood each other, a union that strengthens our strengths
With whom it is easy and pleasant for me everywhere - on trips, at home, etc.
Qual è il tratto caratteriale che apprezzi di più del tuo sesso?
One of the most important
- this is cleanliness! In every sense of the word...
Che tratto del carattere dell'altro sesso apprezzi di piu`?
Well-mannered, well-read, openness, well-groomed, kindness, intelligence, sense of style, perseverance, confidence, professionalism, passion and generosity.
Quali libri hai letto ultimamente?
Harry Chapman - Five Languages of Love
Quali sono i tuoi scopi nella vita oggi?
There are so many things I would like to see, museums, festivals, exhibitions, beautiful places, and I want to read a lot. And I want to find a man who will be my inspiration, my peace and my passion.
Chi ammiri?
People who selflessly and gratuitously help other people.
Quali tratti del carattere delle persone del tuo sesso non ti piacciono?
Dishonesty, anger, frivolity, laziness, hypocrisy, sloppiness.
Che tratti del carattere della gente dell'altro sesso non ti piacciono?
Aggression, untidiness, bad manners.
Vorresti cambiare qualcosa in te stesso?
I would like to become less emotional.
Quali sono i tuoi difetti?
Modest, self-critical, pedantic, impulsive.
Quali sono i tuoi pregi?
Smart, thoughtful, inquisitive, I see my mistakes.
Come ti vedono i tuoi amici?
Well-mannered, kind, elegant, very delicate, courteous.
Chi sono i tuoi scrittori e poeti preferiti?
There are many of them:
Albert Cohen, Remarque, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky.
Quale genere di musica ti piace?
Jazz, classical.
Quali sono i tuoi film preferiti?
Bertolucci "Under the cover of heaven" and "The Confessor", "Casablanca"
Tarkovsky "Solaris", Kiarostami "Copy of Verna", Rene "Last summer in Marienbad".
La (il) partner che sogno
It's good for me to be alone, I want to find a person with whom we will be better together. I am not one of those women who agree to a relationship just for the sake of a relationship. And I would like to meet someone special who can share this happiness with me. Perhaps we will find a common language and be able to share all the joys of this life. And we will be very, very happy. I will do everything for that. All you have to do is write to me right now!
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